SUMMERSCHOOL - Making Maritime Neighbourhood
APPLICATION - Send us your application before 16th of June 2024 via this form. The application includes your portfolio, CV and a short motivation text.
PRACTICAL - Start of the workshop on Sunday 30th of June (12:00) until Saturday 6th of July. FCF-a provides a place to work in the Mariti(e)me neighbourhood in Molenbeek during this time. Together with Tournevie, we've set up a metal and woodworkshop in our workspace in the neighbourhood. Participation in the summerschool is free of charge.
Closing event of the summerschool will take place on Saturday evening 06/07 in Picardstreet with a cultural performance of Openstreets.
OPEN STREETS 2024 - The Mariti(e)me neighbourhood is a very densely populated area. The lack of qualitative public space and scarcity of private terraces and gardens lead to the urban experiment of the summerstreets. At the start of the pandemic in 2020, Filter Café Filtré collaborated with local residents to transform the street to a safe space for residents of all ages to rest, eat, play, chat, bike, meet… In this year's 5th edition of the summerstreets, the program and street interventions span the Maritime neighbourhood. Together with some 30 partners and neighbour coalitions in every street, Filter Café Filtré - Atelier opens the streets for neighbourhood activities as experiments to appropriate the street as a public space and to build community.
SUMMERSCHOOL 2024 - We invite (student) architects, designers, makers, and other interested professionals to collaborate in constructing and designing projects for the Maritime neighbourhood in Molenbeek. At Filter Café Filtré Atelier, we view the street as a critical space for urban transition. Our goal is to reinvent urban spaces through tactical urbanism and micro-interventions, which serve as bridges between present-day streets and long-term urban ambitions.
This year, the focus is on three micro-interventions and a cartography design in different streets within the neighbourhood. Over the course of a week, participants will engage in a makers' workshop, guided by experienced architects and makers, to bring the visions of Filter Café Filtré Atelier for the neighbourhood to life. The activities will include interactions with local residents and initiatives, supported by Tournevie's construction guidance and insights from previous summerschool sessions.
During the Summerschool, participants will work for 7 days in the neighbourhood. Together with Tournevie, we will set up a wood and metal workshop for the participants to use. The Summerschool is free of charge.